Thursday, October 23, 2014

The Birds of Spain

After many hours of hard work, throughout continental Spain (I leave the islands for the next time), I managed to edit this short film about the birds of my beloved country. Living and working in the richest European country regarding birds, I tried to film some of the Spanish specialities, mainly for non-Spanish birders. With so many different habitats and species, I had to move, driving to special locations sometimes separated more than 1000 km. The good thing was that after so many years bird watching and working with birds, I really knew pretty well where to look for...

Main locations:

- Riglos and Valle de Tena (Pyrenees, Huesca)
- Bardenas Reales (Navarra)
- Montes de Toledo and Andújar (Jaén)
- Albufera de Valencia and Dénia
- Tablas de Daimiel (Ciudad Real) and Doñana (Huelva)
- Coast of Murcia and Almeria